Sermons tagged with ‘Real Life Church’

1120 of 57 items

God’s Operating System


Do you know C or C++? How about Linux, can you program your Mac? Maybe you are from the Fortran or Dos generation. All these are the computer languages that make our operating systems work. Well, what makes the kingdom of God work? Of course it’s God’s operating system and in this video PF explains […]

Jericho Faith!


The only thing standing between the people of Israel and the promise of God was a city named Jericho. Strong, well defended walls towered over a people with no army or siege equipment. Yet Israel prevailed through faith in God’s Word! PF spent years working in archaeology in Jericho…in fact he was working there when […]

Comeback Faith!


How do we ever come back from a devastating defeat? What do we do to put our lives back together after a failed marriage or relationship? How do we begin again after foreclosure or bankruptcy? In this video, PF lays out the strategy for victory, a plan to get back on the top of your […]

Pass The Mustard!


PF puts a new twist on a favorite example of Jesus…mustard seed faith. Do you long to move into the miraculous? Have you ever witnessed the power of the prayer of faith? This video explains the complex message of faith hidden in the parable of the mustard seed.

When Up Is Under


How exactly do we move mountains? What allows us to break through the ordinary religious experience into a vital, powerful life in Jesus? Too many misunderstand the scripture where Jesus declares how “great faith” works. Watch your faith grow as you absorb the message, then step out in faith and do something great!

What If?!


This is a wild one! Pf just got back from Israel with a fresh anointing and had everyone on their feet shouting. What if we had all the money we could use? What if we had the best job in the world, the best spouse, the best children. How would we live differently? What if […]

These Bones Shall Live!


In this message PF brings hope to hopeless situations. How many of us have given up on a dream? How many have had their expectations dashed? In Jesus dead things come to life! As you watch, be encouraged! Believe for a miracle!



This one is a classic…a must see for every believer! PF gives us a boost to our faith that is sure to get us through the toughest circumstances of life. Get over that breakdown, come through that disease, overcome that fear, rise up out of failure! God is for us with a “booster shot” in […]


Jesus said that “We would be known by our fruit”. What exactly does that mean…what is our fruit? How do we grow fruit? In this message PF clearly lays out a plan of action that leads to a successful harvest of “good fruit”.

The Power of One!


Sometimes we just feel alone…ineffective… outnumbered and unable.  However in this message Pastor Frank shows us how single individuals can change the course of their lives, their cities and their nation.  The Power of One demonstrates that no matter how insignificant we feel, the power of God within us is more than enough for the […]